Sunday, February 23, 2025
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a ride to remember

The Music of "The Bus Stop Atheist"

How many times have you been to a live musical and not been able to adequately hear the lyrics to the songs because the band in the pit was too loud? Because the lyrics are so important to a musical's story, this production intends to eliminate that problem. There will be no live pit orchestra -- instead, all of the instrumental tracks have all been professionally pre-recorded. The singers, however, will perform live with headset mics. Additionally, there will be supertitles high above the stage to further ensure that everyone appreciates fully the lyrical content. With the sound system that has been secured, Bus Stop Productions promises a sound experience superior to any you have experienced before at a live musical.

In addition to the upcoming full stage production, a double CD set of the complete soundtrack of "The Bus Stop Atheist" is available at the sites listed below.

Order Your Double CD!

Two CD Set Cover

You may now purchase online either the double CD set or download individual tracks or the entire studio recording of all of the songs and bonus instrumentals from the stage musical, "The Bus Stop Atheist". This double CD set breaks all the molds of traditional "Christian music" (whatever that is!). This project cannot be pigeon-holed neatly into one musical genre. There is just shy of two hours of music included. Additional points of distribution will be available later.

Double CD Digi-pack Now Available!

The audio recording has been released...after hundreds of hours of work over almost four years in composing, recording, mixing and mastering!  The double CD Digipack is a complete collection of all of the musical pieces, including some of the interlude pieces for playing during scene changes on the stage. There is just less than two hours of music on these two discs.

There is a 12 page booklet in the Digipack which includes not only all of the lyrics and credits, but also contact info regarding how to obtain the rights to put on the full stage play.  Included with the rights and script will be additional CD's including all of the songs in instrumental form for singing live to the prerecorded sound tracks.  Instrumental tracks will be available with or without the background choir parts.  Numerous sound effects are also included in the live performance package.

In order to get this project out to be heard, this double CD package will be sold initially for only $10!!! including tax, plus $3.50 shipping if applicable.  Contact us directly to order or go to CD Baby now to listen to the tracks and to purchase the complete album or individual songs via download or you can buy the hard copy through CD Baby also.  This can also be purchased through the Facebook page.

CD Baby Logo

Listen to samples of each track then purchase the two-cd set or download of individual or all tracks on CD Baby!


Amazon Logo

Purchase the two-cd set on Amazon and have it shipped to you!


CD Universe Logo

Purchase the two-cd set on CD Universe and have it shipped to you!


Here are a few consumer comments from only the first few days after the album's release:

"Wowwww....I had the privilege to listen to all of it. This is class A music, done very professionally, and with amazing talents from the musicians...the concept is divine. The tracks vary from 24 seconds to over 6 minutes--it's designed to keep you engaged. You must listen to it in the order it is in the CDs so you can follow the progress of the story. From knowing Alan Bean, I knew this will be good music, but I was wrong. This is an AMAZING production, and it will take me a few weeks to digest every beat of these tracks. Simply impressive."

"Brillliant! Simply Brilliant! I can't wait to see the stage play!"

"Edu-tainment at it's best. Truly inspired! Every track surprised me."

"This will surely shake people out of their comfortable little boxes! Such a fresh approach to the wonders of God...I am so glad I took the composer's advice and listened in order, all in one sitting--haven't done that since the days of vinyl!"

"...gave me goose bumps on top of goosebumps! . It’s perfect...there’s tremendous absolutely stunning in its power – everyone will relate to it, we’ve all felt this. I’m crying as I write this. I waited for this moment, and it exceeded my expectations enormously."

"My goodness, the swing era! There’s something for everyone in this!"

"The moment the horn started to blare, I got chills. Then when the chorus came in, the tears came. The melody is the perfect combination of hope and warning, faith and fear…hope and faith WIN!" [regarding the track "When Jesus Comes Again"]

Contact Information

For more information, please contact us at:

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